What to Post If You're in Real Estate


Have you struggled with real estate social media content that connects with your clients? Though a much-needed tool in your toolbelt, it can be difficult at first to create engaging posts that showcase your real estate business.

What to Post If You're in Real Estate

The goal of Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. is to create a community around your brand. It's for people to get to know you and your business. Here is a list of content ideas to kick your brain into gear so that you're able to reach those potential clients as soon as possible.

  1. Pictures of the properties

  2. Videos of the properties

  3. Video walkthroughs

  4. Home buying tips

  5. Real estate news

  6. What does your office excel at?

Pictures of the Properties

You’re already taking photographs of the properties. But something that’s important to look at is the quality of your photos. Can’t afford to hire a professional photographer? That’s alright! You can still get pretty good quality with your smartphone.

Focus on great lighting and taking more pictures. High-quality, professional photos are great but if there are only a couple of shots of a property, it’s hard for someone to really see themselves in your space.

Along with these photographic posts on your social media, give thought to the caption that accompanies it. Share a description that is personal, tells a story, or gives background of the area. Remember how we said that social media is about community?

Captions that are personal will most likely cause a higher engagement with your post compared to a stale, strictly informative caption.

Pictures of the Properties

Videos of the Properties

You may already have photos of the property but a great video helps capture buyers' attention in another way. Video editing is typically more involved than photo editing so it’s best to hire a professional here to save you time.

But it is possible to do it yourself. We have some helpful tips on creating excellent videos for your social media and website even without a professional's help.

A great video really adds a wow factor and showcases the space in a way a photo just can’t. The same advice for captions on still photo posts is the same with video posts.

Another point we should make is that hashtags are an important avenue to direct internet traffic your way. Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, but we recommend around 10.

Video Walkthroughs

If you haven't included yourself in video or still photo posts, now's the time to get in front of the camera. Followers and potential clients want to see you, a real person, guide them through a property. You're allowing clients a glimpse of your personality, maybe a behind-the-scenes type view, and some sneak peeks of your insight into a property.

This type of content is especially relevant now with federal health regulations and restrictions changing monthly or even weekly. It might be the only way a potential buyer can get a feel for a property.

It helps to have someone else with a camera or smartphone following you around but if you're on your own the day of shooting, you can do a walkthrough while you're behind the camera.

Home Buying Tips

If you’ve read some of our other posts you’ll see that our social media strategy revolves around adding value to customers and followers, not fluff content. Becoming a source of real estate education is a great way for you to do this. You don’t have to create long videos or develop an e-course for buyers, but you can make a short video about one point that will be beneficial to a potential homeowner.

Be informative and instructional but personable. Shoot your video inside one of the available properties or from your office. Maybe it's a video discussing the actual closing costs of a home or what buyers should be looking for when they tour a property.

Make it seem like you're chatting with friends and giving them the scoop. Your social media community wants to feel like you're relatable and that they are receiving real estate secrets directly from you.

Real Estate News

As a real estate agent you’re privy to changing policies and rates that the general public may not think to look for. When’s the best time to buy? Which way are prices starting to trend?

Did a new development just get approved? Make a short video once a week with some key things to look for in your local market and people will continually come back to your page for information.

Be consistent with your posts. Research shows that the more reliable you are in posting, the higher level of engagement you'll receive. Social media algorithms also love when users post frequently and consistently.

What does your office excel at?

Now of course it’s great to help people and give out information for free, but at the end of the day you want them to hire you to find their new home. Let people know what makes your office great. Let them see your smiling staff and let them know each person’s expertise.

How can you help them? What makes you different? How do you make the process of finding a home easier? Selling, when it’s balanced with value adding content, can be very powerful. When it’s mixed in with other great content people will feel that you’re more relatable and that you actually care about your clients.

There is something that makes you as a real estate agent stand out from competition in your area. There is an audience your brand is catering to that you can capitalize on. Dig deep into what makes you unique from other agents and agencies in town, and use it!

Take a look at Livlen Media’s other blog posts on digital marketing and learn from the top digital marketing agency in Midland, TX.


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